Digital employee record

What is a digital employee record?

A digital employee record is kept by the employer and contains information and documents concerning the employee that are relevant to their employment relationship.

The following documents, for example, can be found in an employee record: Pay slips and social security documents, as well as internal newsletters and company announcements.

These functions are possible with a digital employee record:

  • Document management
  • Content searches
  • Tamper-proof archiving of documents and information
  • Email notification when a new document is received.

The benefits of a digital employee record

More efficiency and time savings

Increased transparency

Cost reduction

Using a digital employee record, staff in the HR department can provide all documents relating to an employee easily and securely. There is no need to print pay slips and put them in envelopes, for example. Cost-intensive shipping to multiple locations can be avoided too.

Your employees can enjoy a user-friendly interface and clear access to the documents that are relevant to them – from any desktop or mobile device. Employees also have the option of using their employee record as their “personal digital archive” – all documents remain available in it until the employee leaves the company. Single – or all – documents can be downloaded as needed.

Implement the digital transformation at your company

Implement digital employee records with softgate-archiv

With softgate-archiv, we can create digital employee records at your company. Our solution can be implemented within your infrastructure and connected to other systems easily. Thanks to its modular design, our solution offers a wide range of options for customization and configuration. It grows with you and your requirements.

With softgate-archiv, paper and data chaos are a thing of the past – everything is clearly arranged in one system. It supports tamper-proof document provision in accordance with your quality guidelines. Access rules protect your employees and ensure compliance with the GDPR when you handle personal documents.

Additional automation options mean you can expand softgate-archiv, for example by archiving all personnel documents in your personnel records. With lifecycle management (LCM), you can allocate retention periods to document types in accordance with the GoBD digital document management guidelines and relevant laws, as well as implementing the erasure requirements of the GDPR. For example, pay slips and all other documents for payroll tax deductions must be kept for six years in accordance with Section 41 of the German Income Tax Act (EStG). Digital employee records make it easier for you to organize the storage of documents relevant to employment law in accordance with mandatory retention requirements. Outdated documents can be archived or deleted automatically, and documents that need to be retained can be protected against deletion.

If you want to use digital employee records primarily to provide pay slips, for example, and you are still in the early stages of digitization, we would be happy to help you digitize your physical documents.

Sven Kaiser

Bereichsleiter Digital Business

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Please feel free to reach out to my team and me if you have any questions. We would be happy to give you an initial overview of how you can achieve your individual goals with our efficient solutions.